Thursday, January 18, 2018

Big winds and rain, work party, monthly meeting


The winter storms are far from over.
Last night's wind and rain was ferocious.
20 m.p.h. winds
Big thunder, and lightning, too

10 a.m.

The skies cleared for a couple hours, long enough for a Thursday work party.
Janet went up to cut blackberries off the trails.
Tom G brought his truck. Prescott and Pete climbed in to haul asphalt shingles (freebies) for the second tool shed.
Two wooden student's chairs showed up with the shingle run; don't have the exact story of their history (the chairs' history)
I made chicken and veggie soup, and a pot of coffee with half and half for lunch. The conversation was lively, and interesting, even with the cool breeze on the pavilion. I like what happens when people are fed!
Pete did the dishes, after re-setting the locking gizmo on the gate he built for the garden.
The solar frig needs more sun to keep the battery charged; we will need to unload the frig and use our coolers (and not the frig) until we get more sun.

6 p.m.

The monthly Tilth Council meeting happened, and Pete was in attendance. I drove him to the meeting (so I could have the car, just in case); Fred gave Pete a ride home.
Our role as Co-Caretakers is developing:

  • Pete's submitted a list of projects (building a kiosk/information board; completing the tool shed; setting up the water metering system ... ) and 
  • Moki's request to be reimbursed for the ingredients used for Thursday work parties. Result: our monthly $100 'rent' check was returned (an act of reciprocity). 
  • Our electricity use (reflected in the utility bill) wasn't available yet; we'll pay that monthly.
Strong winds continue from the southeast ...

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